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ZEAL & ARDOR Deliver New Music With ‘Clawing Out’

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ZEAL & ARDOR isn’t just a band; it’s a living and breathing entity. Like any other sentient being, it consumes, evolves, and transforms from one season to the next. It has only sharpened its claws, lengthened its teeth, and steeled its nerves over the years, growing more undeniable and unpredictable in the process.

After delivering gentle, harmonious new song To My Ilk on the announcement of their astonishing, forthcoming new album GREIF last month, today the Swiss iconoclasts delight in flipping the table over delivering snarling, staccato new single Clawing Out.

Ringleader Manuel Gagneux proclaims, “We like to surprise people. So of course after releasing our softest song to date with “to my ilk” we want to create some whiplash with “Clawing Out”! Not satisfied with a mere heavy riffed song, we elected to borrow some elements from other musical styles to further the impact. Revel with us in righteous violence – justificatum malum factum.”

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