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Words by Kyra-Jade Coombs

Pix by Kaotic Images

While She Sleeps recently released their Self Hell album and have been non-stop touring/playing monster festivals spreading their love. They graciously decided to make the 50-hour flight from Sheffield, UK to come play for their Australian fans.

A packed-out room at The Tivoli in Brisbane is always a good sign. Boundaries from the US opened the night, and you couldn’t really walk anywhere without seeing a piece of Boundaries merch floating about. They were followed by Australian outfit Ocean Sleeper, which always makes me smile, seeing our local talent getting to share the stage with International heavyweights! With the crowd getting amped up, everything is on path for a high energy night.

Next to take stage is Stick to Your Guns (US). I’ve wanted to see these guys for a long time and was so excited to see them on this tour. Walking out with Trapped Under Ice and Hatebreed shirts on repping hardcore legends, they started off strong and high energy, 2-stepping and had the crowd in their hands immediately with instant singalongs to Nobody. They threw back to What Goes Around before playing the title track from their upcoming EP Invisible Rain and that went down a fucking treat. You know the band is having a good time when they look at each other, the crowd and back at each other with a massive smile and nod. They then played through older songs like Such Pain and Married to the Noise then decided to play live for the first time ever (literally releasing it on the day of this show), Severed Forever.

STYG fucking kicked everyone’s ass, and there was no shortage of sweaty, red faces coming up for air after their set.

I love people watching at shows. The – I’m too drunk, the don’t fucking look or talk to me, the “my partner loves these guys I wish I was at home”, the I’ve waited my whole life for this… I could go on, but these people are always there. I was stuck next to the “I’m too drunk” foghorn who thought it was HILARIOUS to scream PLAY WONDERWALL through everyone’s set and look around for praise or a cheap laugh. The same dude who screams TAXI when someone breaks a glass at a pub, I’m sure…shakes my head.

Anyway, I chose the wrong side of venue to perch up at, clearly.

Now it was While She Sleeps turn to come out and do what they do best. I’ve heard these guys were amazing entertainers, but I was not ready for this. Everyone in the band had so much energy, literally bouncing and getting the crowd G’d up from the word GO.

You wouldn’t know frontman Loz was suffering jet lag at all as he grooved across their Persian rug, engaging the crowd at every opportunity. They started off their set with Rainbows from Self Hell, although they put a good mixture of songs from their repertoire over the years. Much to my amusement, a guitar pick was thrown into the crowd right in front of me onto a girl who didn’t even notice, she was that into the music! Even the security guards were having fun and bouncing along with the music, ejecting crowd surfers and patting them on the back with a smile, sending them on their way. The energy in the room was elite.

When we got the title track Self Hell, everyone in the crowd had their arms up and sang along to every word. It was pretty cool to see everyone so engaged in the show, a circle pit was flourishing for Brainwashed, and everyone was having a ball. Of course everyone went ballistic for Silence Speaks, I’ll admit this is one of my favourites too.

I want to round out this review by saying that the pure energy and love for what they’re doing that While She Sleeps has is a fucking beautiful thing to watch and be a part of. Frontman Loz really takes on the role of Chief Entertainer seriously… he not only reluctantly took part in one of Australia’s ‘cultural traditions’ and did a shoey, but he also climbed up to the second story of the Tivoli balcony and jumped off, making his way back to the stage through the crowd! Take notes, guys, this is how you keep the crowd thoroughly entertained.

If you get the chance to go watch While She Sleeps on the rest of their Australian tour, DO IT! Tickets are still available from https://www.destroyalllines.com/tours/while-she-sleeps. Don’t miss out.

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