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Wearing The Black Noose OF MISERY

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There are so many great bands coming out of Brisbane at the moment you could be excused for losing track of them… but I haven’t to warn you there is another awesome band coming out of the sunny city – they are called Of Misery and they are about to drop a stunning debut EP titled Black Noose.

The EP deals with some pretty deep topics and showcases a band who is not frightened to shy away from writing songs that actually mean something. HEAVY Mag recently caught up with Of Misery member Cai Cardenas to find out what goes on behind the scenes with Of Misery.

“We call ourselves a down-tempo hardcore band,” says Cardenas while he is explaining who and what Of Misery are to me. “That is kind of the vibe that we are going for, just trying to create music that is heavy and mosh worthy, and the way we came about was because most of us were friends before we joined the band and then we found some others on Facebook and that kind of thing, then we just all got together. We’ve been around for about a year to a year and a half and we have just been working around songs and now we are ready to release some new music and see what people think.”

“This is our debut EP, so it is really a collection of the first bunch of songs that we have written. The process was really that we all got together as a band, there were a few kind of early on line-up changes, but once everything was locked in steady we would go in and have some jam sessions and we would kind of just share ideas and then jam things. Then slowly some ideas came about and then ideas just started coming from each band member. So we kind of just combined all of those ideas and chopped out the things that didn’t work, kept what did work and yeah it ended up being a really organic process. In the terms of recording we recorded a single last year with Cory Judd, the guitarist from A Night In Texas, and we really liked his work so we decided to go with him again. Then we just went into the studio and once we had the songs locked down we just went through the normal motions of recoding the EP.”


Black Noose is out on August 10th

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