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Pioneering New Zealand outfit Kaosis first introduced Australia to their high-energy brand of impossible-to-classify music pre-covid with a whirlwind assault that was as visually terrifying as it was sonically stunning.

Blending metal, hip hop elements, dance undertones and whatever else fit into their musical magic ball, Kaosis made an immediate impact and were quickly claimed by many music lovers as their own.

Through repeated visits the band have enhanced that reputation, headlining Moondoll Festival as well as Dead Of Winter and converting many traditional metal listeners into fans with their infectious performance and presentation.

For their next visit, Kaosis will be part of the Numetal Mayhem Festival which hits our shores in October featuring former vocalists of Slipknot and Mushroomhead in a world-first line-up that already has punters scrambling for tickets.

Of course, being the highly active band they are, when HEAVY caught up with frontman XEN to discuss the tour he also had plenty more to tell us including signing to their new live single Smash The Rail, Nuclear Blast imprint Blood Blast Records, synergies between Dubstep and Metal, A metalheads guide to dubstep, signing a deal with Merchmasters and plenty more.

Check out the video interview below.

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