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VICIOUS RAIN Unveil Latest Single ‘Shadow Dancer’

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Led by vocalist David Häusermann, guitarist and vocalist Mauro Gugerli, guitarist Tristan Meier, bassist Loris De Notaristefano, and drummer Michael Teufelberger, the heavy new Swiss band Vicious Rain has unveiled their latest single, Shadow Dancer.

This release further solidifies Vicious Rain’s presence in the music scene and coincides with the highly anticipated announcement of their debut album, There Is Beauty In Letting Go, out on October 11 via Arising Empire.

Shadow Dancer tells the story of two people who, despite their profound love for each other, recognize that they might not be the right person for the relationship to flourish. This song is a testament to the complexity of relationships and the strength required to honour love by stepping away. It speaks to the enduring connection and mutual support that remains, even as they go their separate ways.

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