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VICIOUS RAIN See Stars On New Track ‘Blackout’

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Fronted by vocalist David Häusermann, guitarist and vocalist Mauro Gugerli, guitarist Tristan Meier, bassist Loris De Notaristefano and drummer Michael Teufelberger; heavy new Swiss act Vicious Rain have released their crushing sophomore single alongside stunning visuals called Blackout.

With their debut single The Devil & Lovers paving the way, swiss alternative metalcore band Vicious Rain showcase their unwavering commitment to express raw emotions, pouring their heart and soul into every note. The band‘s dedication to their craft and the sheer passion they exude leaves no doubt that their future is bright. Continuing their fruitful collaboration with acclaimed producer Mnauel Renner, Vicious Rain embarked on a creative journey that push the boundaries of their sonic landscape. Renner‘s expertise and meticulous attention to detail brought out the best in the band, resulting in a powerful and immersive recording.

“While The Devil & Lovers was a bittersweet and melancholic journey, our new single Blackout is a fierce and unapologetically angry anthem. It‘s a raw expression of frustration and disillusionment, capturing the intense emotions that come with witnessing stagnation and toxic behavior. With blistering instrumentals and impassioned vocals, ‚Blackout‘ channels our collective discontent and serves as a powerful release for both us as a band and our listeners,” says guitarist and vocalist Mauro Gugerli.

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