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TYR Deliver new Album BATTLE BALADS Plus Single ‘Row’

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Battle Ballads, the outstanding ninth full-length studio album from Faroe Islands-based Viking metallers TÝR is out now on Metal Blade Records.

A crushing, soaring, batch of classical embellished songs that conjure images of galloping steeds, clashing swords, and hard-fought victories, with Battle Ballads, TÝR has composed an album that resounds with their trademark Viking metal sound. At the same time, the band has experimented with new writing styles and musical techniques and created songs that are structurally simpler, yet musically more variegated. There’s no escaping the masterfully meticulous blend of melody and savagery on Battle Ballads.

We consciously decided to make this a more direct album with songs that are easier for listeners to get right away,” notes founding frontman Heri Joensen. “With Battle Ballads, there are progressive elements here and there, but we tried to keep the songs based on one or two musical ideas each, and work on everything from there. It’s more concise than our last album, but it’s more epic because of the symphonic elements.”

Order the album here: https://www.metalblade.com/tyr/

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