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TUOMAS ROUNAKARI With More Album Details

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Violinist, composer, ethnomusicologist TUOMAS ROUNAKARI has revealed more interesting details of Bear Awakener album, read below.

“Bear Awakener has been recorded, mixed and mastered at the Verde Studio with the gear-wizard Mika Rintala,” a satement reads. “None of the modular synthesizers were not used. All of the equipment used in recording was built by Mika – microphones, pre-amps, EQ and even the mixing console and electrostatic monitors. All with the best parts from the leading audio makers coupled with legendary tubes. Bear Awakener will have 11 tracks and 43 minutes in total. All art work have been selected and are final from photographs to drawings and historical images. Mechanical fees and legal stuff are cleared and paid. So the CD is now fully ready for replication.

The regular edition is waiting for the final touch in the graphic design and then all will be sent to the printing factory this week!

The Special edition will have several hand-made parts. All of those samples have been approved and are already been made one-by-one. The extended booklet will also be final soon after we are done with the regular booklet. More bear amulets are on the way from Siberia. Every detail of the production is now up and running in full speed.

Pre-orders here at the Indiegogo will continue to the end of February at https://igg.me/at/bearawakener
Thank you all for making this happen!!!”

Planned release date of Bear Awakener is on March 13 2022. According to an ancient Finnish bear calendar, this date marked the end of winter hibernation and awakening of the bears. 

At the beginning of January Tuomas posted online a video, expressing his gratitude to all the crowdfunding campaign contributors for the new “Bear Awakener”, which reached its goal in less than 12 hours! In case you missed, watch the video https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=2088130888009225

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