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TOXPACK Drop Track From Upcoming Album

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With ZWANZIG.TAUSEND VOLT set for release on January 28 via Napalm Records, Berlin’s finest Streetcore powerhouse TOXPACK releases the third single Totgelaubt, doch neugeboren, confidently moving forward and firing up the moshpit once more.

The legendary five-piece from Germany’s capital are charged up and ready to deliver the streetcore sound that fans have been loving for over 20 years.

TOXPACK about Totgeglaubt, doch neugeboren:”Many have had to struggle hard, some have lost everything in the last two years. Be it due to the current situation, the flood disaster in Germany or other precipitation that hit mercilessly out of nowhere. As so often, friends were on the verge of giving up, burying their dreams and goals.
This song is for you. It should give you courage and strength to get through it all. ‘Time is your enemy, it always has been – But you stay strong, show it the middle finger!'”

Save Your Copy of ZWANZIG.TAUSEND VOLT here: https://smarturl.it/ZwanzigTausendVoltNR

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