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THROAT Dish Up New Track ‘We Must Leave You’

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For 14 years THROAT have been the sonic equivalent of forcing a square peg into a round hole – often abrasive and causing maximum irritation at times.

The peg now fits. We Must Leave You sees THROAT dropping pegs of all shapes and size through the same hole. Leaving the last confines of musical genres behind them, the resulting album can be regarded as the easiest listening THROAT has ever presented or, simultaneously, their most difficult and puzzling work to date. It is for the listener to decide…

THROAT comment on the album’s theme and dark, first single: “Bring back lockdown. Bring back isolation. ‘Heaven Hanged’ sums up these sentiments that are some of the key elements on ‘We Must Leave You’. We’re breaking up with the world. It’s not us, it’s you. No, we can’t stay friends.

“Musically, ‘Heaven Hanged’ offers a glimpse of the album going from morose and goth-tinged to more hysterical dark rock ruckus. Our intention has never been to keep treading the same tracks, so the direction of progress evident on the last few releases has brought us to ‘We Must Leave You’.”

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