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THE D.O.O.D. release New Song ‘The Pentecostal’

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Getting closer to the release of their upcoming Dissonance LP, The D.O.O.D. are proud to present the band’s newest blood-freezing single.

The Pentecostal is a conceptual symbiosis between The Crow and the XVIII century goth literature. “We basically just shouted out random ideas. And a story stuck about a person who gets introduced into the life of an extreme Pentecostal church and their beliefs.” – explain the band.

“The protagonist eventually begins to feel he doesn’t agree or believe anything….”.

A triller-type-of-story leads the principal character to get possessed and rise up the dead. “While writing for such an imaginative kind of horror movie, we kept in our minds that the music should reflect that feeling. At least to us. We hope that comes across to the fans as well.”

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