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SVALBARD Get Real On New Song ‘Faking It’

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Today, Svalbard are proud to announce their ardently anticipated new studio album, The Weight Of The Mask, due out on October 6 via Nuclear Blast Records.

White-hot new single Faking It has also been revealed, accompanied by a video. The track lays bare a poignant, candid account of dealing with depression and coming to the realisation that you are “faking it” to just get by.

Svalbard’s intention with their music is to make people feel less alone, and to be there for people in their darkest times. The Weight Of The Mask bravely lays out experiences of mental illness and depression, hoping to help destigmatise these topics.

Svalbard’s Serena Cherry stated, “If the previous record was about facing your demons, then The Weight of The Mask is about fighting them with everything you’ve got. You can literally hear the depression transform into aggression in these songs. The Weight of The Mask was admittedly a challenging album to make because we cut so deep this time around, it was a painful but ultimately cathartic process. This album is the sound of two years worth of internal darkness boiling away inside and then finally being unleashed.”

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