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I will start by saying… I fucking love Steel Panther. They sing songs about things that normally go unspoken and do it well.  I’ve had many glam metal moments singing into my mop handle or getting ready for a night out on the town with my best friends with Steel Panther sound tracking our night. They simply do not give a fuck about what you think about them and that’s why I love what they do.

Heavy got invited to have a chat with their drummer ‘Stix’ about their upcoming Australian ‘On the Prowl’ tour in October. We got chatting about how us Aussie’s can appreciate a good dick joke, the pressure of being a drummer opening big shows & navigating the cancel culture of today, to which Stix replies ‘you can email me at kissmyass.com and fuck off’.

At one stage of the interview we covered how Steel Panther came to be, and Stix mentioned that it was a completely natural progression. They went from thinking “Geez, I hope people don’t throw things at us” at a show to having big crowds and the best of the biz showing up to support their sets. Stix put it down to not being a ‘threat’ to the big shot metal bands as what they are doing is completely different to everyone else and I thought that was a really cool point to make.

Full disclosure, I must have been a little nervous because I’m talking a million miles an hour and managed to fuck up the name of my favourite song of their but alas, I had an absolute blast and Stix is a legend!

If you can make it to one of their shows, do it! The energy of their live show and crowds are unmatched and will be something you won’t forget.


Take a listen to the full interview below:

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