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SEEING THINGS drop Video For ‘Soulkiller’

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Seeing Things have released their latest single Soulkiller.

Soulkiller is a powerful and thought-provoking cyberpunk-themed track that invites you to confront the fears that hold you back and reclaim your humanity. Through its haunting lyrics and intense instrumentation, this track takes you on a journey through the mind of a person trapped in the state of a “digital matrix”, and challenges you to awaken from your slumber and embrace your true potential.

Guitarist Martin Zálešák explains: “Ignorance may be bliss in the short term, but it is a sure fire way to fail in the long run. By turning a blind eye to the issues that do not directly affect us, we trap ourselves in a narrow, self-serving world, doomed to make short-sighted decisions. It is only by opening our eyes and hearts to the struggles of others as our new single ‘Soulkiller’ suggests, that we can truly succeed in the long term. The ‘Soulkiller’ (inspired by the Cyberpunk 2077) is a program which is able to separate the body and soul of a person. Life, death, and in between – glass. It seems as though our minds have been already disconnected and we are now trapped in a state of apathy, with the only hope being that enough people will awaken and break free from this state. Amidst the emerging European energy crisis, it’s disheartening to see how many people are willing to let their neighbours suffer and die just to save a few dollars. Perhaps we have lost our way as a society if wealth is considered more important than human life.”

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