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Sebastian Bach V William Shatner – The Twitter Years

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Sebastian Bach does himself no favours on Twitter, let’s just say he can become slightly unhinged at times. Here is another example…

Bach has taken Twitter feuds to a new level and engaged in a written stoush with an 85-year-old Captain Kirk! The spat started after Shatner innocently sent Bach a devil emoji in response to a tweet from Bach that Shatner took offence to. It sounds kind of stupid when you write it down…anyhow we will push on!

At one point Bach was so riled up he threatened to visit the 85-year-old’s home so he can “say it to my face.” This is great huh! Well it gets better. He also called Shatner a “dickhead” before tweeting: “I will run past your f*cking house every day until the day I die. Deal with me with your phaser cell phone bullshit,” Bach wrote in a series of tweets, most of which have since been deleted.

C’mon Seb, the guy is 85 for f*cks sake! Surely you can pick your battles a bit better than that? Shatner eventually tired of Bach’s outbursts and stopped replying directly to his tweets. However, he did go on to say: “I don’t know what to think of it but hopefully he’s just having a bad day and tomorrow he’ll be fine.”

Sebastian really Shat the bed on this one, fortunately his Bach is worse than his bite.

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