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RINGWORM Announce Signing To NUCLEAR BLAST RECORDS With New Single

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Something brutal is coming. Amidst a resurgent, tonal wave of aggression taking place in metal, Cleveland bred pioneers of extreme atrocity RINGWORM have risen. Decades into their influential career, the band has announced their signing to Nuclear Blast Records with plans to release their most vicious record in decades, Seeing Through Fire, on August 18.

Commenting on the band’s signing to Nuclear Blast, founding vocalist Human Furnace says: “We couldn’t be more excited, really. Getting out to a larger audience is always the goal. And after a career as long as ours, you really appreciate your opportunities when they come to you. The chance to reach out to a globally larger metal scene, is always what the doctor ordered. NB gives us reach that we haven’t had over the years and we’re definitely fired up.”

Speaking about the record HF adds: “We’re pretty pumped on ‘Seeing Through Fire.’ It’s a total burner. It’s a straight forward, “smash your face and leave you layin there wondering what you got hit with” type record. We’ve never felt the need to “re-invent our own wheel” but going into this one we tried some different things sonically, and we’re very happy with the results. Of course, it’s the intention, every time we record a new record, but we feel like the over-all sound, feel and aggression of ‘Seeing Through Fire,’ one ups many of our past records. Which, for anyone that knows our catalog, is not always an easy task. With every new record, you have to dig deeper.”

Today, the band has revealed the record’s first single, a no holds barred, furious neck-snapping track called No Solace, No Quarter, No Mercy that lays the groundwork for the impending brutality.

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