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In 2024, the secret is out, the future is now; and its name is Reliqa.

Following on from their 2022 EP, the endlessly innovative I Don’t Know What I Am, Sydney-based alternative luminaries Reliqa take a daring and dexterous step into a brand new chapter with the long-awaited release of their debut album Secrets of the Future, out today via Greyscale Records and Nuclear Blast Records.

A lush, diverse and sci-fi-hued collection of songs that traverse fleeting moments of the human experience, Secrets of the Future also possesses a melting pot of stylistic inspiration, with elements spanning melodic metalcore through to contemporary rap, K-Pop, J-Metal, atmospheric pop, modern progressive metal as well as more traditional rock and metal.

With Secrets of the Future, Reliqa aren’t merely gazing at what’s to come; instead, they conjure it with poise and finesse, unpacking a rich and vivid tapestry that explores political injustice on tracks like Killstar (The Cold World), finding power in femininity on Sariah, as well as oscillating spotlights on the inner push-and-pull between protest and acceptance of reality.

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