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RED KROSS Share New single ‘Born Innocent’

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Redd Kross have shared the rousing new single Born Innocent, the second song made available from the highly anticipated 18-track eponymous double-album, due for release June 28, 2024 courtesy of In the Red Records.

Not to be confused with the debut studio album of the same name from 1982, the new track Born Innocent closes out Redd Kross, and is something of a theme song for the band, detailing Redd Kross’s 1979 inception, when Jeff McDonald (then 15) and his brother Steven (then only 11), two school-kids all hopped-up on punk-rock, started their own group in their hometown of Hawthorne, Los Angeles (birthplace of the Beach Boys) and soon found themselves opening shows for notorious scene pioneers Black Flag. 2024 marks Redd Kross’s 45th birthday – an important anniversary for any group whose heart pulses at 45RPM – and the brothers are celebrating the event with a veritable multimedia extravaganza.

Born Innocent appears in the closing credits of the brilliant documentary Born Innocent: The Redd Kross Story, directed by Andrew Reich, who has also directed the video that accompanies the single’s release, which features footage from the must-see documentary. There’s also a memoir, Now You’re One Of Us, due in October, author Dan Epstein telling the group’s story in the McDonalds’ unmistakable (and occasionally contrary) voices.

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