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Premiere: PUNISH ‘Dogma Leash’

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Punish are back with Dogma Leash, the first single taken from the band’s upcoming second album, The Measure, which will be released in December.

This track speaks to the ways in which we can be blinded by our dogmatic perceptions of things,” said Tome Fowler. “I wrote the song from a self-reflective standpoint. There has been many times in my life where (especially under the influence of alcohol) I’ve found myself in arguments with people and instead of listening and taking on board what the other person’s saying, I’ve pushed my point, regardless of whether the other person’s perspective has merit or value.

I believe we can all do this at times, and it has the effect of shutting down any kind of constructive conversation. Instead, what happens is conflict. And this conflict arises when our dogmatic views become challenged. We “sharpen our tongue” and shut the other person down out of fear that our world view might shift beyond what we were comfortable with. This is what I mean by “Dogma Leash”. We become guided and directed by our dogmatic perspective, rather than keeping an open mind.”

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