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PARK RD Unleash Debut Album THE NOVEL

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New Zealand indie-rockers PARK RD have released their punchy debut album The Novel. The thirteen-track album features the high-energy sing-along singles Call Me Up, Every Night, Save The Planet, Secrets, and Ride.

The Novel stands as a testament to PARK RD’s evolution as musicians and individuals and offers listeners an intimate glimpse into their heads and hearts. Reflecting on the album, the band shares, “It feels like its own little world. The main theme of the album is definitely love.”

This debut album is current in its sound, yet timeless in storytelling and has been crafted with care. The delicate Postcard contrasts with the funk-hype single Call Me Up, and both energies collide in Hey, Hello. Each track feels like the next chapter where something new is unveiled. From the building title track to the punchy yet introspective Ride, each song on the album offers a unique perspective on love and life.

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