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NTH RD Deliver New Music With ‘Remember’

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Melbourne metalcore quartet NTH RD share moody and nostalgic new single Remember, opening up a new chapter for the band.

After navigating a major shift in their line-up, NTH RD welcome new vocalist Dan Charlton to the fold on Remember. For fans of Beartooth, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows and Hands Like Houses, their latest single is a triumphant return to form, and is produced engineered, mixed and mastered by long time collaborator Christopher Vernon (Better Half, Bloom, Future Static).

Their first release in nearly a year, Remember came to fruition following a period of introspection, growth and change. The single explores the impermanence of self and the fallacy of legacy, delving into the fear of being forgotten and the need to be remembered. Lyrically, the song questions whether we will be remembered or merely forgotten in time, mulling on the fragility of human memory and the seemingly transient nature of existence.

“In shaping the release for this track, we sought to expand on the universe and themes that we’d established so far with NTH RD,” explains the band. “And in searching for the ‘next step’ for the band, we arrived at what we feel is the most authentic representation of ourselves and our vision to date.”

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