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MIRUTHAN, KAOSPHERE, HELLS HORIZON: Mo’s Desert Clubhouse, 30/05/24

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Words by Jimmy Glinster

Pix by Lavish Pix Productions

Originally, I was asked to go and review this show at Mo’s on Friday night. In a strange turn of events, the headline band Miruthan ran some promotion for the event which in turn educated me that this show was on tonight, Thursday night, and not Friday night. It’s amazing how this whole show promotion thing works in that it lets people know that your show is on, and when it’s on. Furthermore, it usually results in general media interest in the show, which then creates opportunities for cross-promotion within the industry including press articles and interviews. All of which I saw and read or listened to before this show. Including on the way to this show, which is now about to begin.

The show commences with Hells Horizon. Now, this is hells with and ‘s’, not a ‘z’, so let’s just get that clear to begin with, but not get into details. I will say, though, that I’ll probably pull ‘em aside later and suggest a name change, though. As they kick off into the first track, I realise that the drummer sings … but it’s not entirely bad as they all have mics, so I’m guessing and hoping they somewhat share the duties between the 3-piece of drums, bass and guitar.

These dudes kind of seem young, well at least younger than this old bastard, and I think they said they play “Black Rock” and Hardcore, but I may have fucked that up. I also have no idea what “Black Rock” is, but again, I probably got that wrong. As the set goes on, it now seems that the vocal duties mainly rest on the guitarist.

The set fluctuates in pace and intensity, and it sometimes hovers into slow-paced progressive noise rock but then drifts in and out of rolling rock, and occasionally into the odd heavy chugging riff. I can’t really figure out where the band is trying to take this, and I’m not quite sure these young blokes have figured it out for themselves. I am keen to see where it progresses to though when I catch them at another show.

Up next are local legends Kaosphere who stand onstage awaiting a quick intro to play. Once that’s finished, though, the guys spend no time fucking around as the kicks and the riffs come in thick. Frontman Ricci Dyer then gets really angry and starts yelling at me … aggressively. Then he seems to get over it and starts singing to me in a sweet, sweet voice with help from bassist Leon. Did I just get double-teamed by Kaosphere?

I reviewed these guys about a month back in this very venue, so I may keep this short and sweet. I did fuck up my reels of them last time, so if they treat me right tonight, and don’t get too rough, I may just throw a reel or two up of their performance. That’s if I can push myself through the thick riffs.

We get a heads-up that they are about to start playing some songs from their new album, In Scars We Trust. Ricci then asks the crowd what they think of it, and he receives a very positive response. Second off the rank in that bunch is the track for the brand-new video Bring out the Dead. It’s a banger of a track, and if you haven’t done so already, head to YouTube and check it the fuck out. May I is up next, and it bangs, as does War Cry.

They finish up with Chainbreaker, and Ricci makes his way onto the barrier as he calls the crowd forward. Heads bang and good times were had. And that, my friends, was Kaosphere!

Miruthan enter the stage in dark robes while an eerie intro, or opening hymn as they call it, plays. When they kick into it, the riffs are dark and heavy, and a three-prong vocal assault adds a heightened level of intensity to the performance. I’m not one to assume genders, but one of the vocalists appears to be a female who stands reading from a prayer book as a brutal lyrical assault is delivered. This is not a show, it’s an experience.

I listened to an interview with Everblack Media on the way down to the show which mentioned 8 members, but for some reason there are only 5 members on stage. Shortly after, I learn that the bass player is missing due to the filthy Rona, but that still only makes 6, so I’m not sure what’s going on there. It’s probably just me fucking up to be honest, because that might have just been part of the concept story for the upcoming album, of which the recently released EP that they are performing tonight is a prequel to.

The band, or The Cult of Miruthan as they refer to themselves as, were nice enough to hand out a lyric book at the door which is a nice touch, and it even has a set list, or Order of Service on the back which is good for this reviewer, if I actually decide to use any of the track names that is.

Each track is separated by a hymn, and so far, we’ve heard Survived The Blast & At The Barricades. If you’ve ever read many of my reviews, you’d probably know that I’m not much of a Black Metal fan. Luckily though, this isn’t exactly that and the costumes and cult vibe add a nice touch that makes it somewhat stomachable for me, and actually locked me into just watching the performance for a few songs.

I’m not sure which song we are up to now. Wait, yes, I am, I just got told the next song is Aristotles Lyccum, which is their second last song. They finish up with a track called Possessed With Halting and then just leave the stage as if nothing had just happened. And that’s that, and I somehow feel cursed, or somehow indoctrinated into this cult.

What an experience!

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