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METAL IN THE MOUNTAINS Hits The Spot This Weekend

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Returning for a third huge instalment this Saturday, October 28, Metal in the Mountains promises to again shake the granite foundations of the otherwise peaceful town of Beechworth. Venturing out into the open air for the first time, this show is growing into an all-encompassing celebration of alternate culture. Featuring an impressive lineup of all-Australian hard-hitting bands, the event promises to cater for any music style that can be described as heavy.

In the centre of Beechworth, among old granite buildings of the Historic Precinct lies the old village green. This old meeting place will play host to this year’s proceedings. With a tasty selection of food from Papa Bear’s American BBQ, stand-up comedy by Marky Worthington, an Edible Alchemy hot sauce comp, art by locals and more, the day promises to deliver.

Headlined by emerging heavyweights NICOLAS CAGE FIGHTER and thrash veterans FLAMING WREKAGE, the likes of which the peaceful area around the old Beechworth Courthouse have never heard before. Preceding them are a non-stop barrage of extreme metal from all corners of the scene, each one an accomplished live act that will raise the bar again and again.

Gates open 1-10pm. 18+ event. Minors must be accompanied by Parent or Legal Guardian.

Tickets https://events.humanitix.com/metal-in-the-mountains-23

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