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Mastodon are “Neck-Deep” In Writing Mode for New Album

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Mastodon are currently working on the follow up to 2014’s Once More ‘Round The Sun, singer/bassist Troy Sanders says the band has a “load of material,” which presents them with a good problem. Allowing the songs to breathe and then honing in on the great ones and giving them the Mastodon polish.

Sanders spoke to Billboard recently about where the band was at with the current process: “We are neck-deep in writing mode. We’ve been spending lots of time in our studio in Atlanta, and we’ve got loads and loads of demoed songs that we’re listening to daily and trying to hone in on.

“After doing the typical album-tour cycle that we did the previous two years, it’s now feeling good to get back into the writing process. It’s that balance that keeps this thing going, so we’ve been in Atlanta each week over the past few months, just working on new thoughts, new patterns, new ideas. It’s coming along pretty great. I’m thrilled with it so far.”

Sanders added: “We’ve got so many ideas at the moment that it’s one of those glorious problems… In a great way we’ve got loads of material all over the place. That’s what has happened over the several previous albums as well, so it’s a good situation to be in where we’re overwhelmed with material. We listen to [things] constantly, and the pieces that really stick out over time are the ones we kind of gravitate toward and finish.”

The new album is expected sometime in 2017.


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