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MACHINE ON A BREAK Releases New Track ‘Honestly’

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Meanjin/Brisbane-based alternative-metal artist Machine on a Break has just unveiled her mesmerising new single Honestly.

Honestly opens with sombre piano, eerie soundscapes and seamless backing vocals that compliment Machine on a Break’s rich melodic delivery. The verse percolates with intricacies, bursting to life through a full-throttle chorus, fuelled by bludgeoning drums and growling guitars. The jagged and gristly bridge morphs momentarily into glitchy static samples, before blooming into a brutal finale that encapsulates a myriad of expressive power.

Machine on a Break talks about the inspiration behind Honestly: “‘Honestly’ is about finding out your partner holds wildly different political views to yourself, those which you consider to be harmful. I think differences of opinion are important for us to grow as people, but being closed minded about topics that have the ability to be harmful to others is where I take issue. I was so genuinely blindsided by his opinions when he first told me because he seemed like such an open minded person and politics had just never come up in our earlier conversations. I’ve learned my lesson and I always ask early on when I’m getting to know someone now.”

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