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Jarface Release New Track

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Melbourne, post-grunge monsters Jarface have announced their debut album ‘Now They See’ will be release on Friday, December 8.

To celebrate the release of ‘Now They See’, Jarface have released a taste of the album in new single Absolution; a grooving track about finding love in the early hours of the morning after a show.

It’s been a long journey to ‘Now They See’ for Jarface and the album title is a subtle digat the arduous process it took to bring it to fruition.

“After three years of writingand six months of recording, mixing and mastering, it seemed fitting that a debut album which felt like forever to complete should have the title‘Now They See’, but just every other aspect of our music; it’s open to interpretation,”

Despite the long development behind ‘Now They See’, Jarface have crafted a strong showcase of post-grunge that defines and sets the band apart.

“For the most part it’s a loud and heavy sound, that consists of riffs that are butted together with drums complimenting them but still giving them a beat to help them

New single Absolution is a notably positive track tracing the beginning and first meeting of a future couple.

Absolution was written after meeting my partner on a late night out at a Smith Street bar. I was there after we’d played a show at another venue and I remember spending most of the night trying to convince her I was actually in a band,” said 
That positivity bleeds through the music, the bass line delivering this incrediblepumping rhythm!

“Absolution has this groove that was inspired by the blues tunes that were being played that night,”

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