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Idlewar – Dig In – EP Review

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Dig In (EP)
Release Date: 16 June 2015
Independent Release
Review by Cameron Cooper

It’s rather cliché to describe the bass on an album as “driving”, but few other terms come to mind when discussing Idlewar’s vocalist/bassist James Blake. Across the band’s five-track debut, there are few moments that aren’t dominated by the thumpin’ or feedbackin’ bottom end, giving the record a moody rattle that keeps things moving. Peter Pagonis’ Lynyrd Skynyrd-style drums and Rock Graham’s Zakk-Wylde-With-A-Hang-Over guitar licks are all fairly interesting elements in and of themselves, but the trio are ultimately let down by a production job that is just a little too light on the dynamics.

There is something to be said for the minimalist approach taken to the stripped-down, shuffle-and-grind sound the group are crafting, made most evident on EP closer Stronger. If the band branched out their sonic-scope a bit and Blake refined his vocals, the boys could really make their tunes shine. In short, the songs are there, but the production isn’t quite up to scratch.

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