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Hybrid Nightmares – The Fourth Age – Album Review

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Hybrid Nightmares
The Fourth Age
Release date: 20 October 2015
Review by Alex Sievers

Typical throaty black metal vocals, typical death metal drumming, typical metal riffs and chugs, and a somewhat rough-around-the-edges mix, and you’ve got yourself a solid, albeit very safe and typical metal album. Of course, not every band can be Secrets Of The Sky – let’s be real now – and as such, I strongly recommend you look elsewhere for a truly grand metal release.

Harsh words, perhaps, but as every band and their dog decides to pick up an instrument and start a band, sometimes being good enough just doesn’t cut it.

See, The Fourth Age goes for 26 minutes all up, with one song, Destroyer of Worlds, barely making it over the one-minute mark, where another, Dashavatara, goes for 11 bloody minutes. All up it’s not bad by any means, as Hybrid Nightmares have the quantity part down pat, definitely, but as for that all necessary important aspect – quality – they just missed the mark with this one.




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