Hollywood Vampires, the rock supergroup, consisting of Johnny Depp, Alice Cooper, Joe Perry and Tommy Henriksen, release a blistering live version of the Jimi Hendrix classic Manic Depression, recorded during their show at Rock in Rio 2015 in front of 100,000 fans. The track features Depp’s energetic guitar work, Cooper’s distinctive voice, Perry’s inimitable solos, and is backed by the thunderous rhythm guitar of Tommy Henriksen.
Manic Depression was originally released on Hendrix’s 1967 debut album Are You Experienced and has become a staple in the rock music canon. The Hollywood Vampires’ live version brings a new energy to the song with its explosive instrumentation and electrifying solos that capture the frenzied spirit of Hendrix’s original. It’s a song that never fails to captivate audiences and transport them back to the magic of the ’60s.