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HASH IT OUT With Open Discussion On Metal and Mental Health

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Olivia Reppas and Liam Frost- Camilleri have an open and honest discussion about men, mental health and heavy metal.


In this episode of Hash It Out, discussions cover Liam’s heavy metal-themed podcast called The Demons Within: Stories of Metal and Mental Health, his charity fundraiser for Beyondblue, called Beyond Black and Liam’s new book that he’s working on focussing on men and lover’s of men, and how to navigate positively through the darkest hours that we ensure, with positive outcomes beyond basic awareness.

If you would like to donate to the Beyond Black 4 fundraiser, you can do so here: https://fundraise.beyondblue.org.au/beyondblack4


Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beyond-black-4-tickets-135626387175?keep_tld=1


Watch Hash It Out below:


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