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GUTTERFIRE! Sign Licensing Deal

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Brisbane based Armageddon Hard Rock band GUTTERFIRE! have signed a licensing deal with Wormholedeath Records for the reissue of their album Chill, which is due for re-release on March 4, 2022.

Speaking of the upcoming release and the signement, the band explain, “The GUTTERFIRE! Camp is incredibly pleased to be signing with Wormholedeath. We made them work for our trust, but work for it, they did and we’re moving into this arrangement with confidence and excitement about what the future now holds. Carlo and team are all about the artists, and their genuine enthusiasm for what we’re going to do together is palpable and contagious. We do everything we can to be the hardest working band around and this album ‘Chill’ was no exception, so to have Wormholedeath represent it internationally is exactly the right fit. From the moment we began writing it, the way in which our wildly different influences (from Smashing Pumpkins, to Queens Of The Stone Age, to Converge) somehow stitched together perfectly became immediately apparent. This afforded us the opportunity to explore a diverse range of ideas, but with the connective tissue of doom, desert rock and metal influences (such as Kyuss, Red Fang, Sleep & Machine Head) that we all share.

Check out the title track below.

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