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[GAME NEWS] ELITE: DANGEROUS Releases June 27th.

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Frontier Developments’ spacefaring sim has come to console. Originally released for Microsoft Windows in 2014, it has since gained a dedicated fanbase – large enough to inspire this major move.

In Elite: Dangerous, you play as an explorer in a wide, beautiful, and often dangerous galaxy. Starting with just a spaceship and a small amount of money, it is up to you, the player, to make a living and survive amidst the final frontier: legally, or through the dark underworld of piracy and assassination.

Elite: Dangerous features a massively multiplayer online world, where you can interact with other players. Will you work together for the common good, or betray each-other for profit? The galaxy is your oyster.

Elite: Dangerous releases on the 27th of June for the PS4. It is also available for Xbox One, Windows, and OS.

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