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FEMURSNAP Release Concept Piece

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PSY (Resurrected) The Venus Kuiper Apocalypse (((O))) oooo O O O O o, is a concept piece containing remasters from the original PSY releases from 2021.

Harboring the best and most brutal tracks, leaving a lot of the more ambient noise pieces behind and giving the mixes a bit of warmth to the sound, as well as trimming some edges. The idea of the Kuiper apocalypse and concert of the PSY releases roughly follows a character in first person. The character dies horribly, or so they thought, ending up buried under the ground, only to find they have entered a new horrifying reality that leads them to a journey within the earth and eventually to outer space, resulting in witnessing the end of the solar system.

The band mainly wanted to revisit PSY as they thought they could update the sound and were no longer happy with the mixes of the older tracks. They also wanted to reshare the story of PSY.

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Listen here: https://femursnap.bandcamp.com/album/psy-resurrected-the-venus-kuiper-apocalypse-o-oooo-o-o-o-o-o

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