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EBOLAGOLDFISH Release ‘Powers’ From Upcoming Album

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Photo by Chantel Bann

It’s been a few years between drinks, but Sydney punks Ebolagoldfish have returned with the first taste of their new album. Powers is out now in the form of a storm chasing video and on all streaming platforms.

A slick piece of work that sees the group continuing their musical journey, Powers will appear on the forthcoming album Bad Choices, Good Times when it arrives early next year. While the record presents itself as a non-stop party album, its lead single weighs a little heavier as it speaks of revolution while admitting to elements of false conviction.

Musically, Powers sees Ebolagoldfish at the top of their game, delivering catchy punk with a melodic vibe. From a lyrical point of view, Gavan McDougall admits the song is somewhat of an odd fit for the party-like nature of their upcoming album, though it serves as something of an opportunity to do some soul-searching as both a punk musician and punk fan.

The idea behind it is almost encouraging people to follow us, but it’s suggesting that if you do follow us, we are going to take you to rock bottom,” he says. “If you want to come along for the journey, that’s where we’re gonna end up – we’re all gonna be destroyed by this activity.”

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