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Diversity in Music with AMARANTHE

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“I think so,” laughed Olaf Morcke, guitarist and composer for Amaranthe when asked if the world was ready for the band’s music when they hit the airwaves with their self- titled debut album. “I mean, when I was growing up in the metal scene here in Gothenburg in the 90’s there was constantly new bands coming out and different bands trying out very different things. I got into the whole thing and it was fine and fantastic still to play in an old school death metal or thrash metal band but on the other hand, metal music has always been something that is constantly evolving and changing. I think in the last ten years the metal scene has become a little bit more conservative than it used to be and in my view, I felt the whole scene needed a breath of fresh air.”

In the full interview, Olaf discusses the band’s upcoming fifth album ‘Helix’, the search for a definite sound, the new member Nils Molin, the benefits of having three vocalists at his disposal, the mish-mash of genres that is Amaranthe, the bands growing acceptance as a guilty pleasure and more.

iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/helix/1412056890

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