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Today Melbourne Indie-Punks Dental Plan release their debut album Raw Nerve. The 9-track album encompasses a wide variety of punk & rock, from the thrashing frustration of Hope Stealer, the melodic indie-rock of recent single Can’t Get What You Want, heavy riffage on Hole In Me, and the sing-a-long ode to the path less travelled on Garbage World.

Vocalist/Guitarist Niam Hegarty says, “This album is a representation of the life of the band so far, we have a re-recorded version of the first song we ever wrote with ‘Weighed Down’ up to the most recent track ‘Garbage World’ and everything in-between. We went through a lot of shit over the period this record was written and recorded in, I’m glad we stuck it out and have something to show for our hard work over the years. A lot of tenacity with endless writing, rehearsing & recording in Melbourne Winters!“

Dental Plan will tour Australia to promote the album, with release shows to be announced in the coming weeks.


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