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Counterparts – Tragedy Will Find Us – Album Review

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Tragedy Will Find Us
Pure Noise Records
Release Date: 24 July 2015
Review by Steven Jenkins

Since the release of their 2013 sophomore record The Difference Between Hell And Home this Canadian melodic hardcore band have received critical acclaim worldwide. Tragedy Will Find Us is a noticeably darker affair with a much more angrier feel to the album.

The signature self-degradation of their lyrics is still there as vocalist Brendan Murphy showcases extremely well. But the actual music on the other hand is quite different than fans may expect when going in. Riddled with sorrowful and somber feels, there are strong and punchy riffs that pound away from start to finish, accompanied by melody. This will satisfy that most angst of teenagers but it will also give hardcore fans a feeling of satisfaction with the onslaught of aggression.

It’s an emotional ride that Counterparts have exceled at with a beautiful mixture of anger, heaviness and melodic hardcore. The theme of this album appears to be getting through tragedy and not letting it get the better of you. There are uplifting moments here to counterpart (no pun intended) the dark vibes and soundscape of this album, so it’s not all gloomy. From the opening track Stillborn to the closing moments of Solace this album gives people a chance to face tragedy head on and come out of it stronger and better because of it.

A definite step forward in this ever-improving catalogue of releases for Counterparts.





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