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CONQUER DIVIDE Release New Track

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CONQUER DIVIDE and Mascot Records / Mascot Label Group have released the band’s lead single from their upcoming new studio album. 

In discussing Atonement, drummer Sam Landa offers, “The word atonement is about making reparations; about seeking forgiveness; about feeling sorry for something you’ve done and hoping to make things right. In the context of this song, it’s too late for that – the damage has already been done and there’s no going back. The song tries to capture the feelings of betrayal, of being left high and dry by people who wanted to take the easy way out. The emotions really explode in the breakdown, and the progression mirrors how situations like this can build up in real life. There’s a kind of calm before the storm, and then another sense of calm after. ‘We don’t know who you are’, and we’ve accepted that – just don’t try to come back and beg for forgiveness when you’ve exhausted all of your chances.” 

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