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Changing the tides with RED SEA

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“I don’t know! That’s a really good question”, laughed Erica Bowron, vocalist for Sydney prog metal band Red Sea when pressed on the dearth of female members in the progressive rock/metal genre. “It’s an observation that I’ve seen as well and I couldn’t even put a reason on it. It’s really light on, isn’t it? That’s why when we describe ourselves we make a point of saying we’re prog and melodic just to distinguish so people – depending on what their tastes are – know what we’re bringing. It’s funny but female – particularly female fronted, but it doesn’t have to be – bands in Europe in the more straight metal genre is huge, absolutely huge, but less so in prog. I have no wisdom I’m afraid (laughs), but at least there’s a market for it”!

In the full interview Erica discusses new single ‘The One’, the importance of diversifying your sound with each release, the five new songs and when and how they will be released, what makes Red Sea stand out from a growing progressive metal market, the sound and style mix of Red Sea, how their songs are created, their upcoming tour and more.

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