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Brutai Have Just Released a Single Off Their Upcoming Album

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Brutai are currently having their debut album mixed and mastered by Matt Hyde (Bullet, Trivium, Slipknot, Machine Head) and is due for a May release. They have just released a single off that album titled, Deep.

Felix Lawrie (frontman/guitarist) says: “The song Deep is the first video single from our debut album. Lyrically, the song is about a time when we were struggling as a band during the writing process of the album. It talks about challenges we faced when overcoming obstacles such as writers block and other struggles in our personal life. No matter what happened with our lives we needed to come back and finish what we started. This song is a reminder to never give up on your passion or your dreams. We hope you enjoy it.”

Brutai are featured in the Top HEAVY free digital download in the upcoming issue of Heavy Music Magazine. Follow us at ISSUU and keep an eye out for the new FREE issue on 18 FEB!

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