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Breaking The Chains With GLORA

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Emerging Brisbane outfit Glora certainly have the right pedigree for success.

Comprising former members of Danse Macabre, Glora is an entirely different beast altogether, only announcing their existence last week after spending more than 12 months planning for a global assault.

Their music is technically influenced by black metal, but also infuses elements of progressive and death metal to generate a sound and intensity all of its own.

With Glora’s debut single Paralysed set to drop at 6pm AEST on October 28, HEAVY caught up with vocalist Christopher Jung and guitarist Jake Ryan to find out what all of the hype is about.

“It was the second song that we actually wrote,” Ryan began, “but the first one we finished. The first one laid around for a bit, but then we got this one on the roll and it kicked off. It just had that energy and everyone was more into it, so we went with it. It’s inspired by more old school – like Behemoth or some other death bands – but the main idea was for it to be something as different as it could be for a metal song.”

In the full interview, Chris and Jake talk more about Paralysed, why they chose it as the song to introduce Glora to the world, their recent announcement of Glora and how planned it was, some background on Glora, the blending of genres and how it came about, Chris’ foray into vocals after previously been mainly a guitarist, the fact this is Jake’s first ever band, their upcoming 5 track EP and what to expect, touring plans and more.

Check out the teaser for Paralysed below.

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