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BLOODY TYRANT Prepare To Hit Our Shores

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Bloody Tyrant, started as a black metal band, with high-speed drumming and glass scratching scream during 2011. They then figured out the purpose of forming the band after countless reading and researching the history of their land, TELLING STORIES.

The EP “The Overture Of Sun-Moon Lake” and the album “The Legacy Of Sun-Moon Lake” is talking about a folk-lore of the largest lake in Nantou, Taiwan.

The album “Solitary Eagle” is talking about a well-known story of a mountain accident in 1976. The album “HAGAKURE” is talking about the mindset of samurai, focus on how people think about “death” during
Sengoku Jidai. (Also, as an overture of future album)

The album “Myths Of The Islands” is talking about folk-lore of Taiwanese indigenous people.

The EP “HAGAKURE II” is a collection of four samurai stories from historical event and literature.

Bloody Tyrant has experienced the transformation from genre to genre for years, now we combined the epic feels of symphonic black metal, the story-telling feels of folk metal, the brutality and speed of death metal.

Now Bloody Tyrant are about to travel to Australia to tour alongside Freedom Of Fear and appear at the Nerosonic Festival – this week they spoke to Dave Griffiths about it.

You can take a listen to the interview right here:

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