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BLOOD COMMAND Release New Track ‘Forever Soldiers Of Esther’

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Forever Soldiers Of Esther is in memory of guitarist and songwriter Yngve Andersen‘s now deceased mother Ester Andersen (1951-2015).

The Andersen family belonged to something that for outsiders could remind them of a cult, and the siblings got to feel that on their body every day as it was a little village and everyone talked. So negative comments from other kids, teachers and parents were common.

The lyrics in the verses are out takes from what Ester told Yngve before going to school to prepare him for what he would meet; to not listen to them, stay strong and never surrender.

The lyrics for the chorus are what Yngve would wish he could say to her but never did. This paved the way for the not giving a single fuck and going against the grain attitude that today is Blood Command. Esteris was named after the Jewish Queen Esther in the bible, who risked her life to save the Jewish people from being exterminated with her braveness.

A story that says in big letters; stay strong, be brave and don’t let the bastards get you. The song is Blood Commands fourth single from their upcoming album World Domination, out September 29 2023.

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