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BEARTOOTH Unleash Latest Track ‘Sunshine’

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Gold-selling, billion-streaming rock band BEARTOOTH have just unleashed their new single Sunshine! and it has all the hallmarks of your favorite Beartooth bangers — cranked up to 11.

There’s a supremely catchy, anthemic singalong chorus and a tectonic plate-shifting breakdown that will have you pumping your fist in the air. Say hello to your feel good hit of the summer, courtesy of the ‘Tooth!

“‘Sunshine!’ is about a lot of things, the most obvious being seasonal depression,” says Shomo. “It’s always been prevalent in my life but as I grow older, it gets more intense. This song is also about moving on from the dark place I was in during 2020-2021. At the end of the day, life should be enjoyed and a Beartooth song doesn’t always have to be miserable.”

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