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Asking Questions with BLACK HEART BREAKERS

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“It’s a really fast, heavy, slamming punk rock song”, enthused Haydyn McGoogan, vocalist and guitarist for Sydney’s Black Heart Breakers about new single ‘Why Not Me’ which premieres on Monday, February 11 through HEAVY, “written about how being frustrated and sick of everything and dealing with everything and you’re just wondering why the grass is always greener on the other side and everything seems to be going wrong. It’s a song about being angry and frustrated at everything. It’s not a super positive song (laughs)”.

The film clip for ‘Why Not Me’, which is also released through HEAVY at the same time, bucks modern trends by simplifying the process and going light on special effects, instead concentrating more on showing the band in their natural live environment.

“We wanted to find a really cool looking hall somewhere so we just scoured the West of Sydney to find somewhere appropriate and we ended up doing it in Leichhardt Town Hall”, he continued. “We wanted that old school, just a band playing vibe, nothing fancy. We’re a hard-working live band and we just wanna show people us as we are and keep things simple and basic”.

In the full interview, Haydyn discusses releasing EP’s over full albums in the modern age of music, the Rotting Out EP which was released late last year, the early vision for the band, supporting your idols, releasing their debut album before even playing a show, and more.

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