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ALHENA Release ‘Nemesis 2.0’

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Polish metal outfit Alhena recently released their new single Nemesis.

Initially Nemesis was an instrumental piece, but only after adding vocals did it become complete. It has been evolving over the years to be featured with its own lyrics on ALHENA‘s first full-length album Breaking the Silence… …by Scream.

In 2021 Nemesis was re-recorded and a video was made. This newly released  Nemesis 2.0 has been completely rearranged and a new video has been made for it. In principle, it is a composition based on a musical loop that is growing and exploding passing through the keyboard bridges. The whole thing is enriched with the violin parts, and the entire piece ends quite dramatically. Nemesis 2.0 is a sample of the sound that will appear on the next full-length album, ALHENA is currently working on.

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