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156/SILENCE Reveal New Album Track ‘Product Placement’

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Pittsburgh melodic-metal band 156/SILENCE has revealed the latest single, Product Placement, from the band’s eagerly awaited album, People Watching, that’s out September 13 from SharpTone Records.

The anthemic, adrenaline pumping new song, Product Placement, leans into the band’s post-hardcore influences with mesmerizing songwriting and a seamless melding of melodic and heavy elements for what is surely to be a crowd favorite on the band’s current tour with SIGNS OF THE SWARM and CANE HILL.

Commenting on the track, guitarist Jimmy Howell says: “It’s no secret that this is a very different song for us. I think it really showcases our love for older post hardcore and bands like Thrice. We’ve toyed around with writing a song like this for a very long time but we finally felt the time was right to go for it and we couldn’t be happier with the result.”

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