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This is not a self-celebratory message. This is not a reunion. This is not even a proper press kit. These lines are just to communicate details related to the production of a record. Because Three Second Kiss is back after twelve years with a new work. An infinite amount of time when compared to the times of the contemporary music market. A chasm. But what was up to Three Second Kiss?

“In fact, we never stopped,” comment the band, talking about what is about to become the new chapter in their career, twelve-years between their previous: “Nine tracks that do not pick up the band’s musical discourse where it was left off. At least to our ears it doesn’t sound the way we were.

As active as the trio was initially, in 1993, Three Second Kiss is happy to share the details on their signing announcement: “We are happy that this album is coming out on Overdrive Records. We believe that the people who work there are driven by a sincere passion for the most direct and incisive music. We got to know some members of this family, and we think we share the same musical history; we grew up with the same sounds and a sincere and unmediated attitude towards the musical world.

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