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THE STORY SO FAR: I Want To Disappear

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Pure Noise Records

June 21

Words by Kyra-Jade Coombs

The Story So Far have been around since my high school days and are one of those pop-punk bands that I’ve had playing in the background but never actually stopped and listened to them like I did for their new album, I Want To Disappear.

When asked what the album is about, the band couldn’t pinpoint a definite moment they were inspired to write, instead Ryan Torf stated, “We kind of grew out of our 20s between this record and last. Like a lot of people, you go through so many different things in life, and you’re faced with new challenges.  As a band, when you go through hardships you realize that some things are more important than music.  These can and do take priority over playing, and that can feel divisive.  It’s sometimes necessary though, to get to where you want to go.” Which is something I can relate to, having just celebrated my 30th birthday. Everything changes. Your experiences, perspectives, the way you do things and what is most important to you.

Now let’s have a listen…

All This Time
First song on the album which is already released to the world All This Time comes across lighthearted although when you listen closely the lyrics are quite sad and deep. I can only assume they’re about Parker Cannon’s Father who sadly has recently passed away. A reminder that music is a safe and beautiful way to express your grief and heal. You feel appreciative that we are let into his world and get to be a part of their journey.

Watch You Go
A short and sweet Lil’ diddly that really is the essence of pop-punk. I have a feeling OG The Story So Far fans will love this one. It punches you right in the face from the second you hit play!

Another perfect example of an easy listening song that has deep lyrics that will catch you off guard when you listen intently. A testament to sticking to what they’re good at and not morphing into 1000 different genres. This is what we have come to expect from The Story So Far and what we love about them. Just as easy to listen to it today as it was when I was younger. Perhaps more relatable these days.

Keep You Around
This song makes me want to go on a road trip with the windows down and wind in my face. It’s got that nostalgic feeling that I adore. Like a huge bowl of comfort food, this song makes me feel all warm and I could listen to it over and over.

Last two songs White Shores and I Want To Disappear give you an acoustic moment which no one is mad about. Totally the kind of songs I would have thrashed on my iPod Nano back in the day. On I Want to Disappear Parker’s vocals take centre stage backed by a gentle and flowing acoustic guitar and this song pulls everything back to this vulnerable moment that compliments all we heard during the album. A pretty unique way to end an album. I generally find bands like to slap an acoustic number in the middle and bring the tempo back up to finish off, but I actually love this approach. It’s a perfect goodbye to this album.

The Story So Far still have the sound that instantly takes you back to every American comedy you watched in the 2000s and your pop-punk dream fantasies. All in all, I feel that this album will appease The Story So Far lifelong fans along with people who only just discovered them. You get everything from softer songs… to full pop-punk glory and even an acoustic number perfectly placed in there too.

Their songs are sprinkled with life experiences & a nice glimpse into where the band is headed (I hope). After rumours of potentially breaking up, I’m glad they stuck together and managed to get this record out. It not only is nice to hear their classic pop-punk, but you can hear the subtle changes from 2018s Proper Dose to now, and I think it will be cool to see what they morph into further in their career.

Track listing:
All This Time
Watch You Go

Jump The Gun
Big Blind
Nothing To Say
Keep You Around
You’re Still In My Way
White Shores
I Want To Disappear

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