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Getting To Know ANNALYNN

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Thailand-based metalcore outfit ANNALYNN will release their first extended release in years with the four-track EP Failure Will Find Me on May 24.

HEAVY had a Q&A session with the band to find out more about them and their music.

HEAVY: Hey ANNALYNN! Great to be getting to know you, could you tell us about who you are and how the band first started?

ANNALYNN: Hi mates, Sawasdee krub HEAVY MAG! We originated from Bangkok, Thailand, where our journey began over a decade ago. We initially came together for a music contest in 2004 but officially formed as a band in 2010. It’s really tough being a metal band in Southeast Asia. The majority of trends of SEA listeners don’t favor our genre. However, we’ve grown and adapted, facing the challenges of the music industry and our commitment to real music has stayed strong. Luckily, we always get a lot of support from our fans, and that drives us forward. We have strived so hard just to get to this point, especially as a band from Thailand!

H: Was there an original goal when starting the band? What defines Annalynn’s sound for you?

A: We wanted to break all the boundaries by creating music that connects with our listeners, step by step. With heartfelt lyrics and emotional depth blended with aggressive riffs and powerful breakdowns, We aim to reflect our negative emotions.

H: You came to Australia last year with Void of Vision, What were the shows like, and how was your overall experience touring Australia?

A: We had loads of fun! It went far beyond what we expected. We’ve toured all over Asia, but Australia was a whole new experience. We couldn’t pick a favorite city because they were all amazing. The audiences in Australia are incredibly friendly and unique. They bought a lot of our merch, and so many people came up to give us high fives and words of encouragement. The support was amazing. We’re definitely looking forward to the next tour soon!

H: You have released Disappear and more recently Circle The Flame, two new singles since your debut album A Conversation With Evil, what are these songs about, and how did they find their place on your upcoming EP?

A: “Disappear” delves into feelings of isolation and the desire to fade away when overwhelmed by negative emotions. It’s about those moments when the weight of the world feels too heavy,
confronting those dark moments when you feel like disappearing is the only option. “Circle The Flame” It’s an anthem about finding the courage to face your darkest fears, inner demons and turning your struggles into strength. Both songs found their place on our upcoming EP as they represent different stages of dealing with the emotional depth that defines our music. We aim to take listeners on a journey through the darkness and into the light, showing both the depths of despair and the heights of resilience.

H: Failure Will Find Me the new EP comes out this week, what was the intent behind making this record?

A: Our intent was to create an emotional journey through the highs and lows of resilience on ‘Failure Will Find Me’. This record serves as a reminder that failure is not defeat. It’s to remind people that failure is not a reflection of their worth but rather an opportunity for growth, self-discovery and letting them know that they’re not alone in their journey.

H: Your music explores dark emotions and finding meaning in life, are you still finding that meaning as you create more music or is the message meant for someone listening who might feel the same way?

A: Our music delves into dark emotions and delves deeper into our own experiences in the search for meaning. It’s not just about our personal journey, it’s for anyone who feels a connection to our experiences. Through our music, we aim to offer understanding to those who may be going through similar feelings in the darkest of times, letting them know they’re not alone.

H: Do you think being from Thailand has an impact on the music you make, and why? Is it important to represent where you come from in your music?

A: Being a band from Thailand impacts our music, especially given the limited metal fan base. We are less supported and overshadowed by other genres. When people think about good Asian bands, Japan often comes to mind, not Thailand. It’s not easy to stand out when you’re from a third-world country. However, our focus is more on creating music that resonates with a global audience. Our goal is to connect with listeners on a universal level, regardless of geographical or cultural boundaries.

H: You’ve collaborated with some cool musicians in recent years, is there someone you would most like to collaborate with in the future?

A: We’ve enjoyed recent collaborations and look forward to future ones. Collaborating with a variety of artists excites us; their unique styles could lead to something special. If I could, I would collaborate with Chino Moreno of Deftones or Jonathan Davis of Korn, but it’s impossible. Lol! Australia has a ton of great metal bands that we’d love to collaborate with. Let’s see what the next collaboration will be. <3

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